
My name is Tricia and I am a 25 yr old graduate student studying Christian Counseling. I have a rare metabolic disorder known as PKU (Phenylketonuria) that the only current treatment is a severely strict low protein diet. Earlier this year I was given the opportunity to participate in a drug trial for a new treatment (WHAT?!). I officially began the trial on July 30, 2015. While I am no way a typical blogger, I have decided to keep a blog  to keep my friends, family and the PKU community in the loop. There is more about me, PKU and the trial in my first blog post! Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “About

    • That’s a good question! They don’t have all the details worked out, but I imagine it depends on how it works for each person. So my guess is that if you can handle a normal diet then the formula is not needed as long as you are taking the injection daily and taking the tyrosine supplements (that is also something I have to do for the study). It’s not a definite answer, but that’s what I understand so far!


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